plateforme d’apprentissage dédiée au Hacking et à la Sécurité de l’Information" />

Root-ME PRO is a partner of HackSecuReims 2023!

星期四 2023年3月2日

150 students registered in less than 20 hours at the CTF, 300 people expected for the associated conferences:
HackSecuReims 2023 is approaching ..., the organizers are on the alert and the Root-Me PRO team is by their side for this 6th edition!

Organized by the Master Réseaux Télécoms of Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne and SAFIR-URCA, the event is open to all high school and university students and will take place on March 24th and 25th at the UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles of Reims.

On the program:
🗣️ 24 March dedicated to conferences (IT, system and network administration, cybersecurity,… ). We will speak on this occasion!
🚩From Friday 24 March 9pm to Saturday 25 March 9am : the highly anticipated #CTF HackSecuReims 💀
The Root-Me PRO team will be present on March 24th with some gifts for the valorous finalist teams 🤫🎁

👉 Stay tuned!:
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