plateforme d’apprentissage dédiée au Hacking et à la Sécurité de l’Information" />
Hacky’Nov 2023 is approaching!
星期四 2023年3月23日
After the success of the first edition last year, 150 participants and 7 partner companies will be present at the event.
📆 Friday March 31st and Saturday April 1st, 2023
📍 Ynov Aix Campus, 2 Rue le Corbusier, 13090 Aix-en-Provence
In the program:
🗣 Six conferences, given by students or external speakers.
🚩 A Jeopardy-style Capture the Flag (CTF) open to students from Bachelor 1 to Master 2: the challenges are of all levels, intended for beginners as well as the most experienced hackers!
👥 A professional exchange forum between students and companies in the cybersecurity sector.
➕ 🤫We have some surprises in store for the CTF winners! 🎉