


31 Compromissions 16%

Bewertung  Bewertung

2 votes


Kevgir has designed by canyoupwnme team for training, hacking practices and exploiting. Kevgir has lots of vulnerable services and web applications for testing. We are happy to announced that.

Have fun!

Default username:pass => user:resu

  • Bruteforce Attacks
  • Web Application Vulnerabilities
  • Hacking with Redis
  • Hacking with Tomcat, Jenkins
  • Hacking with Misconfigurations
  • Hacking with CMS Exploits
  • Local Privilege Escalation
  • And other vulnerabilities.

Zeit der Kompromittierung

4 Stunden



diese virtuelle Umgebung starten

Ergebnisse des CTF alltheday Ergebnisse des CTF alltheday für Kevgir-VM

Nickname Virtual Machine Anzahl der Angreifer Begonnen am Maschine kompromittiert in
- Kevgir-VM 0 30. November 2018 zu  11:50 -
- Kevgir-VM 0 30. November 2018 zu  08:02 -