


8 Compromissions 9%

Note  Notation

1 vote


The CsharpVulnSoap virtual appliance is a purposefully vulnerable SOAP service, focusing on using XML, which is a core feature of APIs implemented using SOAP. The web application, listening on port 80, allows you to list, create, and delete users in the PostgreSQL database. The web application is written in the C# programming language and uses apache+mod_mono to run. The main focus of intentional vulnerabilities was SQL injections.

The vulnerable SOAP service is available on http:///Vulnerable.asmx, and by appending ?WSDL to the URL, you can get an XML document detailing the functions exposed by the service. Using this document, you can automatically fuzz the endpoint for any vulnerabilities by parsing the document and creating the HTTP requests expected programmatically.

The SQL injections yield a variety of potential exploit techniques since different SQL verbs are used to perform actions against the server. For instance, a SQL injection in an INSERT statement may not be exploitable in the same ways the DELETE or SELECT statements will be. Using a tool like sqlmap will help you learn how to exploit each SQL injection vulnerability using a variety of techniques.

If you are curious how sqlmap is performing the checks for, and ultimately exploiting, the vulnerabilities in the web application, you can use the —proxy option for sqlmap and pass the HTTP requests through Burpsuite. You can then see in the HTTP history tab the raw HTTP requests made by sqlmap.

Temps de compromission

4 heures

Système d'exploitation


démarrer cet environnement virtuel

Résultats du CTF alltheday Résultats du CTF alltheday pour CsharpVulnSoap

Pseudonyme Environnement Virtuel Nombre d'attaquant Date de début Environnement compromis en
- CsharpVulnSoap 0 2019年2月3日 to 10:15 -
bUst4gr0 CsharpVulnSoap 1 2019年1月24日 to 22:29 0h20
- CsharpVulnSoap 1 2019年1月17日 to 18:06 -
- CsharpVulnSoap 1 2018年12月15日 to 10:41 -
- CsharpVulnSoap 2 2018年10月12日 to 19:31 -

 176 Environnements Virtuels

Résultats お名前 Validations Difficulté  Difficulté 著者 Note  Notation
pas_valide Metasploitable 2 40% 8594
pas_valide Basic pentesting 1 32% 4687
pas_valide LAMP security CTF5 25% 3881
pas_valide Docker - I am groot 51% 3053 Ech0
pas_valide LAMP security CTF4 35% 2719
pas_valide SSH Agent Hijacking 26% 2368 mayfly
pas_valide SSRF Box 18% 1795 sambecks
pas_valide Metasploitable 12% 1727
pas_valide Mr. Robot 1 21% 1639
pas_valide End Droid 35% 1277
pas_valide Imagick 22% 1039 sambecks
pas_valide SamBox v2 13% 983 sambecks
pas_valide Kioptrix level 2 25% 972
pas_valide Docker - Sys-Admin’s Docker 40% 951 Ech0
pas_valide LAMP security CTF7 39% 890
pas_valide VulnVoIP 17% 852
pas_valide SamBox v1 7% 723 sambecks
pas_valide Docker - Talk through me 42% 644 Ech0
pas_valide Well-Known 11% 623 sm0k
pas_valide Django unchained 22% 615 TiWim
pas_valide LAMP security CTF6 18% 605
pas_valide Windows - Group Policy Preferences Passwords 25% 589
pas_valide Kioptrix level 3 33% 575
pas_valide Shared Objects Hijacking 13% 563 das
pas_valide BreakingRootme2020 15% 514 Laluka
pas_valide Windows XP pro 01 5% 496 g0uZ
pas_valide Awky 8% 495 sbrk
pas_valide Rootkit Cold Case 16% 467 franb
pas_valide Kioptrix level 4 35% 462
pas_valide Windows - KerbeRoast 19% 456
pas_valide Websocket - 0 protection 6% 441 Worty
pas_valide Bluebox - Microsoft Pentest 4% 419
pas_valide Windows - ASRepRoast 35% 414
pas_valide pWnOS 32% 401
pas_valide Hackademic RTB1 19% 364
pas_valide DC-1 15% 345
pas_valide SamBox v3 5% 333 sambecks
pas_valide Bluebox 2 - Pentest 3% 308 sambecks
pas_valide Exploit KB Vulnerable Web App 12% 306
pas_valide SAP Pentest 7% 293 iggy
pas_valide Holynix v1 24% 292
pas_valide LAMP security CTF8 14% 291
pas_valide /dev/random : Pipe 5% 236
pas_valide A bittersweet shellfony 12% 233 mayfly
pas_valide LordoftheRoot 25% 230
pas_valide Hopital Bozobe 8% 228 sambecks
pas_valide Acid: Server 12% 219
pas_valide FristiLeaks 1.3 29% 215
pas_valide SkyTower 24% 213
pas_valide Ubuntu 8.04 weak 5% 206 g0uZ