

73 Compromissions 5%

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4 votes


Attention : this CTF-ATD is linked to the challenge "ARM FTP Box"

My company asked me to develop a small FTP server for an IOT project. I found one on Github that should do the trick. Why reinvent the wheel?

If you can, find vulnerabilities on the FTP service and exploit them to get a shell on the machine, then find the way to get root privileges.

  • The FTP service is running on the TCP/2121 port.
  • Challenge validation password is in the /passwd-challenge file.
  • The CTF-ATD validation password is in the /passwd file.

Zeit der Kompromittierung

4 Stunden



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Ergebnisse des CTF alltheday Ergebnisse des CTF alltheday für ARM FTP box

Nickname Virtual Machine Anzahl der Angreifer Begonnen am Maschine kompromittiert in
- ARM FTP box 2 2. März 2019 zu  22:01 -
- ARM FTP box 0 27. Februar 2019 zu  18:01 -
- ARM FTP box 3 23. Februar 2019 zu  23:58 -
- ARM FTP box 0 22. Februar 2019 zu  19:46 -
- ARM FTP box 0 21. Februar 2019 zu  22:46 -