The Oteria Cyber Cup returns for another edition on the theme of Maritime CyberThreat.

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Organised by our sponsor Oteria Cyber School, this CTF will bring together 25 teams of 4-5 students who will compete in 5 events (25 flags).

⚡ Challenges around maritime issues designed by CMA-CGM, Holiseum, OWN, OZINT and Oteria students

👉 Hardware, OSINT, PWN, CTI, Web,...
🤝 Event sponsored by DGSE

Practical details :

📅 16 December from 9:00 to 17:30
🏢 In person, on the Oteria campus in Gennevilliers
🎯 Reserved for students from Bac+1 to Bac+4 (in M1 course)
🥇 €1,750 cash prize

New this year: a Discovery category. 5 teams discovering the CTF will have the opportunity to team up with employees of the event’s partners.

Registration and information on