Root-Me reaches a new milestone!
Wednesday 1 March 2023
Thanks to the constant efforts of the community and the support from its sponsors, Root-Me now offers more than 500 challenges to learn and improve cyber security.
This would not have been possible without the involvement of all members within the association! We are still counting on you to reach our next milestones, including soon the majority of Root-Me!
This great spirit of mutual aid and cooperation that can only be found on Root-Me, allowed it for nearly 18 years, to offer content that is accessible to all, useful and fun.
Thanks especially to those who created Root-Me challenges on 2022!!!
Algorab, apges01, CanardMandarin, cb34, Cyxo, das, Dridri, Elf, erk3, Express, exti0p, Forgi, Isis, Matioupi, mayfly, Mhd_Root, Mizu, Nishacid, NonStandardModel, 0x0ff, Podalirius, real, Ruulian, Sm0k, walafc0 et X-nO.
Special thanks to our partners and sponsors!:
OpenClassrooms, Airbus, Elysium Security, Ecole 2600, GEOIDE Crypto&Com , Oteria Cyber School, Synacktiv, Almond, Proximus Luxembourg, ESNA de Bretagne, Réseau Certa, IUT Réseaux & Télécoms, ESIEE-IT, Institut Méditerranéen d’Etudes et Recherche en Informatique et Robotique (IMERIR), Ecole La Mache, Promeo-Formation, Université de Limoges, Lycée Dorian, Lycée Jean-Jaurès, Grenoble INP Esisar, IPI école d’informatique, Campus Sciences-U Lyon
We invite everyone to take the next step and join our team of contributors to drive us to our next milestone: 1000 challenges ! 😉 🏴☠️