CSAW 2018
Wednesday 18 July 2018
The Cyber Security Awareness Week (CSAW) is the largest student-run cyber security event in the United States. Organized by New York University (NYU), this event aims to bolster students’ awareness of cyber security (students from high schools through doctoral programs). CSAW is featuring competitions, workshops, and an industry fair allowing corporate and government organizations to promote and network with students.
The 15th contest will be held simultaneously on several continents : New-York City (NYU) for North America, in Valence (Grenoble-INP Esisar in France) for Europe and also in Israel, India and Tunisia.
The event turn around differents challenges like an entry-level CTF, an Embedded Security Challenge and others …
Inscriptions and info on https://csaw.engineering.nyu.edu/ctf