
Here are the companies and institutions that allow the foundation to continue offering more and more content! For more information on becoming a Sponsor or Partner, contact Root-Me PRO.

Sponsors « Expert »

École 2600

École 2600

At École 2600, we teach security in its entirety, not just from an IT perspective. École 2600 is here to break the codes and to infuse the cyber ecosystem with a diversity of individuals and ways of thinking, in the service of collective resilience. École 2600 prepares students to become Data, System and Network Security Experts (RNCP Level 7 / Bac+5).

Elysium Security

Elysium is a company specialized in IT security whose vocation is simple: to provide skills and quality solutions to protect the assets of all types of companies. To do this, some twenty experts actively participate in auditing, consulting and training missions as well as in the development of the NEMESIS solution (SIEM, xDR, SOAR).

Oteria Cyber School

Born from the will of entrepreneurs, companies and renowned professors, Oteria trains a new generation of cybertalents to meet the challenges posed by the digital transformation of our economy, Oteria is the school of cybersecurity, thought by the leaders of the sector. It is accessible from Bac to Bac+5 and open to young professionals. The campus is located in Paris near La Défense.


Synacktiv is a company specialized in offensive security founded in 2012 by experts in the field. We recruit passionate people in our different poles: pentest, reverse-engineering, offensive tools development and incident response. Synacktiv has sites in Paris, Toulouse, Rennes, Lyon and Lille and a team of over 150 experts. We are CESTI qualified by the ANSSI and PASSI LPM certified.

Sponsors « Specialist »

GEOIDE Crypto&Com

Creator of proven solutions in the military, NATO and large accounts, GEOIDE Crypto&Com offers cybersecurity products coupled with hypervision and decision support solutions. The combined use of innovative technologies and highly secure solutions from GEOIDE allows to enhance the value of the data essential to the most critical decisions.


Almond is a French company specialized in computer security. Its Offensive Security team is composed of about twenty pentesters, 100% dedicated to technical audits. It performs about 300 pentests per year (web, mobile, AD, cloud, fat clients, etc.), but also devotes time to R&D, and develops tools for the community. Join our team of passionate people!


AlgoSecure, a cybersecurity consulting firm based in Lyon and founded in 2008, supports companies and public bodies in securing their information systems. It operates mainly in 3 areas of expertise: Red Team, Governance & Consulting and Incident Response.
Comprising some forty experts, the team shares a common value: a passion for cybersecurity, and relies on collective intelligence to respond to cyber challenges.

Sponsors « Challenger »

Sponsors « Academic »

ESNA de Bretagne

ESNA de Bretagne, a work-study school, was created to meet the growing need for digital skills in companies. ESNA aims to train specialists in digital systems, robotics and systems & networks.
Root Me PRO is the school’s sponsor for the year 2021-2022.

CERTA Network

The CERTA Network (Centre d’Études et de Ressources en Technologies Avancées) is a resource device of the Direction Générale des Enseignements Scolaires (DGESCO), of the French Ministry of Education, whose activities are centered on the pedagogical support of technological teachings in the field of Information Systems and Computing.

IUT Réseaux & Télécoms

The 29 IUT Réseaux & Télécoms form a national community that provides training in the field of networks and telecommunications at the Bac +2 (bachelor’s degrees) and Bac +3 (B.U.T Réseaux & Télécoms) levels. These professional training courses are recognized and appreciated by companies because they allow a quick professional integration in a booming industry. The community meets regularly to discuss pedagogical innovations and to improve the national program to meet the needs of the sector.


ESIEE-IT, the school of digital expertise, is both an engineering school accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI) and a school offering Expert programs created to meet the digital challenges of companies. ESIEE-IT offers training from post-baccalaureate to post-graduate level in Computer Science, Robotics, Home Automation, Digital and Coding. It also hosts the Coding Factory, a school of computer code.

ENSTA Bretagne

ENSTA Bretagne is one of the oldest schools on which the reputation of its prestigious engineering degree has been built. It is the heir to the training courses established on its Brest campus as early as 1819. The history of the ENSTA Bretagne is closely linked to the history of engineering, industry, arsenals and new technologies in France.

Mines - ParisTech

MINES ParisTech is the leading engineering school in France in terms of the volume of contract research. Its research fields range from energy to materials, including applied mathematics, geosciences and economic and social sciences. The engineering school is also developing teaching and research chairs on emerging themes.


The Mediterranean Institute of Study and Research in Computer Science and Robotics (IMERIR) is a graduate school that for over 35 years prepares for careers in robotics (industry, cobotics, factory of the future, humanoid robotics, drones) and computer science applied to digital technologies (artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, cybersecurity).


The Faculty of Science and Engineering of Sorbonne University is a university component of Sorbonne University. Covering all fields of knowledge in science and engineering, the faculty is committed to supporting research at the heart of disciplines and to promoting multidisciplinary approaches to meet the major challenges of the 21st century. Academic excellence is supported by its teacher-researchers and researchers whose research work feeds the quality of the training provided by the faculty.


IPI, the IGS Group’s IT school, has established itself as a benchmark school in the field thanks to its strong ties with companies in the sector. The IPI offers a complete range of programs from BAC to BAC+5 level, meeting the needs of all candidates wishing to access training in various fields. IPI’s pedagogy is based on individualized pathways and support. Thus, the IPI guides its learners in an individual way in order to determine with them their training needs.

CESI Alternance

CESI Alternance offers state-recognized work-study programs that guarantee a high level of employability, and delivers diplomas that are registered with the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (RNCP titles). The courses offered by the school are adapted to today’s life. They emphasize collective experience, project work, digital technology and presence in the company for 3 weeks a month.

La Mache

Since 1920, La Mache School has been training young people for jobs in industry, construction and new technologies, from the 3rd year of vocational training to 5 years of higher education. Accessible to all, the school offers immersive training in workshops and educational and human support. In order to best adapt its students to the professional world, the school relies on a network of numerous companies.


Belonging to the national network of the UIMM (Union des industries et métiers de la métallurgie) - La Fabrique de l’Avenir, PROMEO represents the UIMM Training Center in Picardie.
With 130 training centers throughout France, the UIMM training centers benefit from a close relationship with companies and are thus the leading private industrial training network.

University of Limoges

The University of Limoges and in particular the Faculty of Science and Technology are important actors in cybersecurity and cryptography.
Indeed, through its researchers (especially in post-quantum cryptography) and the Master Cryptis (the oldest master in cybersecurity in France), the University of Limoges has a significant impact on the international cybersecurity community.

Lycée Dorian

Lycée Dorian is a multi-purpose educational institution founded in 1887, with a scientific and technological vocation.
The training courses that have made the reputation of the establishment have evolved a lot to follow or precede new technologies. If the Lycée Dorian is by its history an essentially technological, scientific and industrial establishment, it is also a general and vocational high school that also has its own CFA.

Campus Sécurité

Founded by the Île de France Region, the Versailles Academy and CY Cergy Paris University, the Campus Sécurité is one of the Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications d’Excellence (CMQe) in the field of security. At the crossroads of education (school and higher education) and the business world, it coordinates this network in order to identify the training needs of companies and to adapt training programs as quickly as possible. Digital security and safety-security are its two main areas of work.



OpenClassrooms is an online school with 300,000 students connected each month worldwide. Created in 1999 under the name "Site du Zéro" and initially focused on computer programming, the digital platform now covers related topics such as entrepreneurship, community management and digital marketing. It offers free access training and degree courses built around mentoring sessions.


HZV ( hackerzvoice ) is one of the oldest French-speaking hacker community. The adventure began in 2000 with the edition of a paper zine: Hackademy Magazine. Quickly, the HZV association was structured around an IRC server, monthly Meets, and from 2003 a big hackers convention called first "la Nuit du Hack" then "leHACK" from 2018.
HZV is the association that organizes theHACK.


Jooble is a job search engine created with one goal in mind: to help you find the job of your dreams! We simplify the job search process for candidates by posting thousands of active job listings on Jooble, aggregated from various job boards and recruiting companies through XML feeds. Our main goal is to help people find the best job in the world.


GreHack is an international security conference held in Grenoble, France. It aims to bring together academics, industry, government agencies, students and hackers to discuss new advances in computer and information security research. Each year a new edition is organized during which conferences, workshops and a CTF take place.