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HTML - disabled buttons

  • linkedin

5 Points  0x0

HTML protection?



Level  Difficulty


156281 Challengers 44%

Note  Notation

14836 Votes

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Challenge Results Challenge Results

Pseudo Challenge Lang Date
WireSpy001 Web - Client  HTML - boutons désactivés fr 14 March 2025 at 00:57
FARAH Web - Client  HTML - boutons désactivés fr 13 March 2025 at 23:46
marouaett Web - Client  HTML - boutons désactivés fr 13 March 2025 at 22:43
Phillipe Web - Client  HTML - boutons désactivés fr 13 March 2025 at 22:30
PatNews Web - Client  HTML - boutons désactivés fr 13 March 2025 at 20:16
Pduhard- Web - Client  HTML - boutons désactivés fr 13 March 2025 at 20:14
Kircha Web - Client  HTML - boutons désactivés fr 13 March 2025 at 18:52
Robyn Web - Client  HTML - boutons désactivés fr 13 March 2025 at 18:06
__feno Web - Client  HTML - boutons désactivés fr 13 March 2025 at 17:29
zek Web - Client  HTML - disabled buttons en 13 March 2025 at 17:17

challenges 42 Challenges

Results Name Validations Number of points  Explanation for the scores Difficulty  Difficulty Author Note  Notation Solution Date
pas_valide HTML - disabled buttons 44% 156026 5 Final 10 16 July 2017
pas_valide Javascript - Authentication 47% 164529 5 g0uZ 9 8 October 2006
pas_valide Javascript - Source 44% 155669 5 g0uZ 5 7 October 2006
pas_valide Javascript - Authentication 2 41% 143662 10 na5sim 4 3 February 2011
pas_valide Javascript - Obfuscation 1 39% 136126 10 Hel0ck 10 7 October 2006
pas_valide Javascript - Obfuscation 2 33% 117684 10 Hel0ck 8 3 February 2011
pas_valide Javascript - Native code 25% 87286 15 g0uZ 8 13 March 2011
pas_valide Javascript - Webpack 8% 27319 15 CanardMandarin 3 11 August 2020
pas_valide Javascript - Obfuscation 3 19% 64329 30 Hel0ck 10 4 February 2011
pas_valide XSS - Stored 1 12% 40998 30 g0uZ 10 3 March 2012
pas_valide AST - Deobfuscation 1% 1765 35 mhoste , Lxt3h 2 27 June 2023
pas_valide CSP Bypass - Inline code 2% 5724 35 CanardMandarin 8 27 October 2020
pas_valide CSP Bypass - Nonce 2 1% 574 35 Ruulian 1 27 June 2023
pas_valide CSRF - 0 protection 6% 20867 35 sambecks 8 16 February 2016
pas_valide Web Socket - 0 protection 1% 911 35 Worty 1 22 October 2021
pas_valide XSS DOM Based - Introduction 2% 6070 35 Ruulian 4 12 August 2021
pas_valide Flash - Authentication 2% 6416 40