ELF x86 - Fake Instructions

15 Points  0x0



Level  Difficulty


9013 Challengers 3%

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335 Votes

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Challenge Results Challenge Results

Pseudo Challenge Lang Date
serwiz Cracking  ELF x86 - Fake Instructions fr 10 February 2025 at 23:45
Onyx Cracking  ELF x86 - Fake Instructions fr 10 February 2025 at 15:45
mido Cracking  ELF x86 - Fake Instructions en 10 February 2025 at 14:05
GThomas Cracking  ELF x86 - Fake Instructions fr 10 February 2025 at 11:00
Graulito Cracking  ELF x86 - Fake Instructions fr 10 February 2025 at 10:35
midwinter Cracking  ELF x86 - Fake Instructions fr 9 February 2025 at 19:27
Ctrl+alt+defend Cracking  ELF x86 - Fake Instructions en 8 February 2025 at 19:17
Tenclea Cracking  ELF x86 - Fake Instructions fr 8 February 2025 at 18:18
MDI Cracking  ELF x86 - Fake Instructions fr 8 February 2025 at 17:46
TriSecOps Cracking  ELF x86 - Fake Instructions fr 7 February 2025 at 23:48

challenges 66 Challenges

Results Name Validations Number of points  Explanation for the scores Difficulty  Difficulty Author Note  Notation Solution Date
pas_valide ELF x86 - 0 protection 14% 47080 5 g0uZ 10 7 October 2006
pas_valide ELF x86 - Basic 11% 37977 5 g0uZ 10 7 October 2006
pas_valide PE x86 - 0 protection 7% 21209 5 alejandr0 7 11 November 2012
pas_valide ELF C++ - 0 protection 4% 11243 10 sourcePerrier 6 13 July 2016
pas_valide Godot - 0 protection 1% 2257 10 Elf 4 10 June 2022
pas_valide PE DotNet - 0 protection 3% 10420 10 Geluchat 6 15 September 2014
pas_valide APK - Introduction 1% 1875 15 Algorab 5 17 October 2022
pas_valide ELF MIPS - Basic Crackme 2% 4356 15 sar 2 9 July 2018
pas_valide ELF x64 - Golang basic 1% 2979 15 jenaye 3 8 November 2018
pas_valide ELF x86 - Fake Instructions 3% 9011 15 kmkz 6 21 February 2010
pas_valide ELF x86 - Ptrace 3% 7904 15 g0uZ 3 27 November 2009
pas_valide Godot - Bytecode 1% 1095 15 Elf 1 10 June 2022
pas_valide WASM - Introduction 1% 1425 15 Cyxo 2 26 March 2021
pas_valide APK - Flutter Debug 1% 614 20 extiop 1 19 June 2022
pas_valide ELF ARM - Basic Crackme 2% 4300 20 0xmitsurugi 7 13 July 2016
pas_valide ELF x64 - Basic KeygenMe 1% 1665 20 fr0g