Challenges Challenges

Over five hundred challenges available to learn hacking.

You may only access remote challenges after having authenticated to this portal. You need to be authenticated on this website with the same IP address you use to solve challenges.

App - Script App - Script

33 challenges

Exploit environment weaknesses, configuration mistakes and vulnerability patterns in scripts and (...)

App - System App - System

93 challenges

These challenges will help you understand applicative vulnerabilities.

Cracking Cracking

66 challenges

Reverse binaries and crack executables.

Cryptanalysis Cryptanalysis

69 challenges

Break encryption algorithms

Forensic Forensic

42 challenges

Train digital investigation skills by analyzing memory dumps, log files, network captures...

Network Network

33 challenges

Investigate captured traffic, network services and perform packet analysis

Programming Programming

29 challenges

Automate tasks and build shellcodes.

Realist Realist

59 challenges

Realistic challenges.

Steganography Steganography

23 challenges

The art of hiding information in a document.

Web - Client Web - Client

41 challenges

Client-side technologies implemented in the web browser

Web - Server Web - Server

92 challenges

Discover the mechanisms, protocols and technologies used on the Internet and learn to abuse them!