ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking

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Kileak App - System  ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking en 22. Juli 2021 zu  13:36
kikko App - Système  ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking fr 17. Juli 2021 zu  19:54
caesurus App - System  ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking en 16. Juli 2021 zu  16:47
chenx3n App - System  ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking en 7. Juli 2021 zu  04:20
voydstack App - System  ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking en 28. Juni 2021 zu  23:40
nobodyisnobody App - Système  ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking fr 27. Juni 2021 zu  15:11
macz App - System  ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking en 27. Juni 2021 zu  09:07
Slowerzs App - Système  ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking fr 27. Juni 2021 zu  06:06
gwel App - Système  ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking fr 26. Juni 2021 zu  21:18
awe App - Système  ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking fr 26. Juni 2021 zu  00:33

challenges 93 Premium Übungen

Ergebnis Name Validierung Anzahl der Punkte  Erklärung der Punktevergabe Schwierigkeitsgrad  Schwierigkeitsgrad Autor Bewertung  Bewertung Musterlösung date
pas_valide ELF x86 - Remote BSS buffer overflow 1% 765 75 Tosh 0 6. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Remote Format String bug 1% 991 75 Tosh 0 6. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Format string bug basic 1 3% 10368 15 Lu33Y 0 8. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - BSS buffer overflow 2% 4383 30 Lu33Y 1 8. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 4 1% 3055 30 Lu33Y 0 8. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 5 1% 1948 50 Lu33Y 0 8. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Stack buffer and integer overflow 1% 2055 50 Lu33Y 0 8. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Race condition 2% 6676 20 Lu33Y 0 8. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Hardened binary 1 1% 839 100 sm0k 0 11. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Hardened binary 2 1% 662 100 sm0k 0 11. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Hardened binary 3 1% 392 100 sm0k 0 11. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Hardened binary 4 1% 459 100 sm0k 0 11. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Hardened binary 5 1% 356 110 sm0k 0 11. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Hardened binary 6 1% 337 115 sm0k 0 11. Februar 2012
pas_valide ELF x86 - Hardened binary 7 1% 282 115 Tosh 0 21. Januar 2013
pas_valide ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1 7% 24123 5 Lyes 3 25. März 2015
pas_valide ELF x86 - Format string bug basic 2 2% 5304 20 Lyes 0 8. April 2015
pas_valide ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 2 5% 16637 10 Lyes 1 10. April 2015
pas_valide ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 3 2% 5373 25 Lyes 0 10. April 2015
pas_valide ELF x86 - Information leakage with Stack Smashing Protector 1% 944 60 Arod 0 20. Mai 2015
pas_valide ELF x86 - Format String Bug Basic 3 1% 1407 35 Lyes 0 27. Mai 2015
pas_valide ELF x64 - Stack buffer overflow - basic 3% 8006 20 Arod 0 31. Mai 2015
pas_valide ELF x64 - Stack buffer overflow - advanced 1% 1554 55 Arod 0 5. Juni 2015
pas_valide ELF x86 - Blind remote format string bug 1% 336 80 Lyes 0 8. Juni 2015
pas_valide ELF x64 - Sigreturn Oriented Programming 1% 304 90 Arod 0 25. Juni 2015
pas_valide ELF x64 - Remote Heap buffer overflow 1 1% 196 115 Tosh 0 26. Juni 2015
pas_valide ELF x64 - Remote Heap buffer overflow 2 1% 152 130 Tosh , Fritz 0 1. Juli 2015
pas_valide ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow - C++ vtables 1% 989 40 sebbb 0 20. Juli 2015
pas_valide LinKern x86 - Buffer overflow basic 1 1% 572 85 franb 0 16. Februar 2016
pas_valide LinKern x86 - Null pointer dereference 1% 543 90 franb 0 16. Februar 2016
pas_valide LinKern x64 - Race condition 1% 370 95 franb 0 16. Februar 2016
pas_valide LinKern x64 - reentrant code 1% 201 100 franb 0 1. März 2016
pas_valide ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 6 1% 3257 30 TiWim 1 10. März 2016
pas_valide LinKern x86 - basic ROP 1% 306 110 franb 0 6. Mai 2016
pas_valide ELF x64 - Off-by-one bug 1% 158 110 NeedToLearn 0 19. Mai 2016
pas_valide LinKern x64 - Memory exploration 1% 145 120 franb 0 27. Juli 2016
pas_valide ELF x86 - Remote stack buffer overflow - Hardened 1% 201 115 franb 0 17. August 2016
pas_valide ELF x86 - Blind ROP 1% 159 120 franb 0 9. Oktober 2016
pas_valide ELF x64 - Remote heap buffer overflow - tcache 1% 318 80 franb 0 5. Februar 2017
pas_valide ELF ARM - Stack buffer overflow - basic 1% 1452 25 pickle 1 9. März 2017
pas_valide ELF ARM - Basic ROP 1% 900 40 pickle 0 11. März 2017
pas_valide ELF ARM - Heap Off-by-One 1% 79 115 pickle 0 11. März 2017
pas_valide ELF ARM - Format String bug 1% 105 110 pickle 0 14. März 2017
pas_valide ELF ARM - Alphanumeric shellcode 1% 52 100 pickle 0 16. März 2017
pas_valide LinKern ARM - vulnerable syscall 1% 174 85 pickle 0 22. März 2017
pas_valide ELF ARM - Use After Free 1% 117 110 pickle 0 22. März 2017
pas_valide ELF ARM - Heap buffer overflow - Wilderness 1% 47 120 pickle 0 25. März 2017
pas_valide ELF ARM - Stack Spraying 1% 299 30 pickle 0 2. April 2017
pas_valide ELF ARM - Heap Overflow 1% 64 120 pickle 0 2. April 2017
pas_valide ELF ARM - Race condition 1% 165 70 pickle 0 3. Juni 2017
pas_valide ELF ARM - Heap format string bug 1% 96 105 franb 0 3. Juni 2017
pas_valide ELF x64 - Seccomp Whitelist 1% 96 120 pickle 0 3. Juni 2017
pas_valide ELF x64 - Logic bug 1% 253 50 sbrk 1 8. Juli 2017
pas_valide LinKern ARM - Stack Overflow 1% 75 110 pickle 0 24. Juli 2017
pas_valide ELF x64 - Heap feng-shui 1% 99 110 laxa 0 4. August 2017
pas_valide ELF x86 - Out of bounds attack - French Paradox 1% 137 70 sbrk 0 17. September 2017
pas_valide ELF x86 - Bug Hunting - Several issues 1% 141 50 sbrk 0 19. Januar 2018
pas_valide ELF x64 - Blind ROP 1% 120 135 franb 0 10. März 2018
pas_valide ELF MIPS - Stack buffer overflow - No NX 1% 572 25 franb 0 28. September 2018
pas_valide ELF MIPS - Basic ROP 1% 195 40 dagger 0 7. Oktober 2018
pas_valide ELF MIPS - URLEncoded Format String bug 1% 42 100 pickle 0 7. Oktober 2018
pas_valide ELF MIPS - Format String Glitch 1% 91 60 pickle , martin 0 21. Oktober 2018
pas_valide LinKern MIPSel - Vulnerable ioctl 1% 75 100 pickle 0 23. Oktober 2018
pas_valide ELF x64 - Browser exploit - Intro 1% 107 70 pickle 0 2. November 2018
pas_valide ELF x64 - Browser exploit - BitString 1% 40 135 pickle 0 15. Dezember 2018
pas_valide ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow - ret2dl_resolve 1% 430 50 kikko 0 28. Februar 2019
pas_valide LinKern x64 - RowHammer 1% 111 115 pickle 0 17. März 2019
pas_valide LinKern x64 - SLUB off-by-one 1% 97 115 Tosh 0 9. Mai 2019
pas_valide ELF x86 - Use After Free - basic 1% 2102 25 Esad 0 26. Mai 2019
pas_valide PE32 - Stack buffer overflow basic 1% 2369 10 Ech0 0 3. Dezember 2019
pas_valide PE32 - Advanced stack buffer overflow 1% 265 35 Ech0 0 3. Dezember 2019
pas_valide PE32+ Format string bug 1% 114 45 Ech0 0 3. Dezember 2019
pas_valide PE32+ Basic ROP 1% 79 75 Ech0 0 6. Dezember 2019
pas_valide WinKern x64 - Advanced stack buffer overflow - ROP 1% 45 120 __syscall , Synacktiv 0 27. Januar 2020
pas_valide WinKern x64 - Use After Free 1% 33 120 __syscall , Synacktiv 0 27. Januar 2020
pas_valide ELF x64 - Double free 1% 1127 25 Esad 0 23. März 2021
pas_valide ELF x64 - Stack buffer overflow - PIE 1% 1217 30 HomardBoy 0 26. März 2021
pas_valide ELF x64 - ret2dl_init 1% 57 70 kikko 0 27. Mai 2021
pas_valide ELF x64 - FILE structure hijacking 1% 70 110 voydstack 0 27. Mai 2021
pas_valide ELF x64 - File Structure Hacking 1% 116 65 nobodyisnobody 0 27. Mai 2021
pas_valide ELF x64 - Heap Filling 1% 117 60 voydstack 0 27. Mai 2021
pas_valide ELF x64 - Advanced Heap Exploitation - Heap Leakless & Fortified 1% 59 135 nobodyisnobody 0 27. Mai 2021
pas_valide ELF x64 - Heap Safe-Linking Bypass 1% 90 70 nobodyisnobody 0 22. Oktober 2021
pas_valide ELF x64 - Buggy VM 1% 83 70 NonStandardModel 0 10. Juni 2022
pas_valide ELF x64 - Basic heap overflow 1% 1926 10 sourcePerrier 0 13. Februar 2023
pas_valide ELF RISC-V - Intro - let’s do the ROP 1% 83 40 nobodyisnobody 0 13. Februar 2023
pas_valide ELF ARM64 - Multithreading 1% 21 140 franb 0 13. Februar 2023
pas_valide ELF ARM64 - Heap Underflow 1% 31 120 nobodyisnobody 0 13. Februar 2023
pas_valide ELF x64 - Blind SROP 1% 20 100 s1m 0 28. Dezember 2023
pas_valide ELF x64 - Stack buffer overflow - Stack pivot 1% 126 40 spikeroot 0 11. Juli 2024
pas_valide ELF x64 - Syscall chaining 1% 28 95 Njörd 0 11. Juli 2024
pas_valide ELF x64 - Heap Hop 1% 7 100 nobodyisnobody 0 11. Juli 2024
pas_valide ELF x64 - Advanced blind format string exploitation 1% 8 115 nobodyisnobody 0 11. Juli 2024