
mardi 3 mai 2016, 14:16  #1
LordOfTheRoot SQL Error
  • 1 posts

I have managed to crack into the smegol user and gained the root database password. However when I try and run this command :

mysql> create function do_system returns integer soname ’’ ;

ERROR 1126 (HY000) : Can’t open shared library ’’ (errno : 0 /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/ : file too short)

I have looked around the internet and had no luck on finding a solution. Currently looking at other ways round the problem as I am not sure if it’s a problem with something I have done or the VM.

vendredi 25 septembre 2020, 01:50  #2
LordOfTheRoot SQL Error
  • 1 posts

got this error few hours ago, try to compile one the box or put your shared object here : /usr/lib/

jeudi 17 décembre 2020, 07:05  #3
LordOfTheRoot SQL Error
  • 1 posts

The post is really old but I’d like to give quick fix that already worked for me to help anyone else asking the question.
The problem is that your "/usr/lib/" size is almost zero (I don’t know why XD) but You can try to replace it with the file "" created while compiling the exploit. I assume that you used this one