Comments and suggestions

lundi 6 juillet 2015, 18:16  #1
Answer publication and cheating
  • 21 posts

Following the news published at the end of 2014 about cheating and answer publication (, we have contacted all the authors of solutions published outside of Root-Me’s website to remember them the rules.

Players who don’t suppress their public solutions within 7 days will have their Root-Me account blocked. Their login will also be printed in grey and scored out instead of being green and we will add the mention "Cheater" on their picture as long as the solutions stay public.

For info, here is an extract of the message sent to these people :

"As it’s written in the legal disclaimer, documents published on the site are covered by copyrights. Any retaking is conditioned to the respect of the intellectual property considering the authors and assignees.

That’s why the publishing of solutions, with a free access outside of the portal, is not allowed.

So, we ask you to remove this content.
If it’s not the case in a delay of 7 days, we will lock your account on our portal.

Root-Me already offers you to share solutions with other players directly on the website but respectfully for those who didn’t validate challenges.
These rules are here in order to keep an user-friendly and emulating spirit and to learn infosec together with fun. "