Web - Server
Flask - Development server
I have all the data needed to run an exploit script, except for the full path to a certain file. I know the version of python running, but the d****p******* dir isn’t there.
I’ve tested running my own flask app and have run the code to get that path. The path output is a tiny bit different but doesn’t make a difference in my search. I have read env vars too but there wasn’t anything too interesting there.
Do I need to guess/brute-force the path to the file, or am I missing something to easily find it? Thanks.
Flask - Development server
I don’t know how you all found it. I’m completely dumbfounded right now. I see that there’s the s****p******* directory but inside of it isn’t a f**** directory. I can’t tell you how frustrated I am with this challenge right now.
Flask - Development server
Salut salut :)
Je suis full bloqué pour ce challenge. j’ai récuperer toutes les infos nécessaires pour reconstituer le PIN (j’ai revérifié plusieurs fois normalement ce sont les bonnes). j’ai tester 2 ou 3 payload qui me génèrent des PIN je les ai tous essayer il n’y en a aucun qui marchent...
je désespère tranquillement ahah.
j’ai suivi le shema de Hack Trick.
Voilà merci d’avance pour vos réponses ^^