App - Script
App - Script - Bash System 1
This is as much to vent as it is to ask for hints : Fairly new to this, I’ve been at this for two days, mixing the documentation with research and experimentation. I get the objective : being able to read the .passwd file with changing a program by another in order to match what’s in the code and what you can do.
But I don’t seem to understand how the "path" works, for I only get ksb*f#fjs permission denied or cp : not found (among others), and it is so infuriating.
Every time I think I understand how it works and what to do, I just hit a wall, whether it’s the same as before or it’s another one.
Anyway, I know that it’s the way here to learn like this, and I understand why. But damn, when you’re stuck for 20 hours straight doing nothing esle but trying and trying, it’s frutstrating.
App - Script - Bash System 1
I understand that learning something new, especially in the realm of programming and system administration, can be frustrating and challenging at times. It’s completely normal to encounter difficulties and hit walls along the way. Don’t be too hard on yourself—it’s part of the learning process. Run 3