
Monday 22 May 2023, 08:02  #1
Realist - Matrix terminal
  • 1 posts


I’ve completed the first few stages of Realist - Matrix Terminal, but now I am wondering,
whether maybe some reverse connection is more or less required to continue.

I’m behind carrier grade NAT, so can’t do reverse connections, only outgoing connections.
( It’s rarely a problem, for in many cases I can just extract data via http-request to some web service,
or have a bind or php shell at some point, or a ssh-connection with tunnels set up or something.)

But in this challenge at this point, I am wondering, whether my limited connection is real a problem. :)

Usually I would not ask so early, just try more, but if the problem is my limited connection,
then I am a bit out of luck there. So could I be right with that ? :)

P.S.: Hope I am not spoiling.