Steganography - Poem from Space
Hello folks,
I don’t know what to do at all. This poem seems unaltered from the original text.
The Title says ternary esoteric language: There is a esoteric language called Ternary.
I wonder if the interpunctuation is used as input for Ternary:
Maybe , and . and : are used because they are the most common characters in the text?
Thank you for your clues.
Steganography - Poem from Space
"This poem seems unaltered from the original text."
Actually it is. You can use any online diff tool to find out that each line ends with some sequence of special chars.
But now I am stacked. I suppose that this chars is a program written in Ternary but I cant get anything meaningful from interpreter (only segfaults, empty strings, and repeating non ASCII chars)
Steganography - Poem from Space
"An esoteric programming language, or esolang, is a computer programming language designed to experiment with weird ideas, to be hard to program in, or as a joke, rather than for practical use."
Definition of ternary
1a : of, relating to, or proceeding by threes
b : having three elements, parts, or divisions
c : arranged in threes
Ternary is a ternary esoteric language... but is it the only one?