waiting Room 1 : Join the game

Choose the virtual environnement you want to attack


Attention : this CTF-ATD is linked to the challenge "[SAP Pentest 000->challenge1338]" and "[SAP Pentest 007->challenge1334]"

The company BS-CORP decided to have an ERP to fulfils its potential.
However, they wondered whether the data are safe.
To verify this, you are mandated to perform a pentest on their new application.
Get the flag in the file /passwd to validate this CTF.
The challenges "SAP Pentest 007" and "SAP Pentest 000" on RootMe give you more goals.

Game duration

240 min.

Submit your vote


  • Validation flag is stored in the file /passwd
  • Only registered players for this game can attack the virtual environnement.
  • A tempo prevent game starting to early or too late.
  • Game will start when one player has choosen his virtual environnement and declared himself as ready.

Player's list

  • aucun joueur

World Map

0x0 35 Available rooms

Room Virtual environnement chosen State Attackers count
ctf01 waiting 0
ctf27 waiting 0
ctf21 waiting 0
ctf22 waiting 0
ctf23 waiting 0
ctf24 waiting 0
ctf25 waiting 0
ctf26 waiting 0
ctf28 waiting 0
ctf19 waiting 0
ctf29 waiting 0
ctf30 waiting 0
ctf31 waiting 0
ctf32 waiting 0
ctf33 waiting 0
ctf34 waiting 0
ctf20 waiting 0
ctf18 waiting 0
ctf35 waiting 0
ctf11 waiting 0
ctf04 waiting 0
ctf06 waiting 0
ctf08 waiting 0
ctf09 waiting 0
ctf10 waiting 0
ctf12 waiting 0
ctf13 waiting 0
ctf14 waiting 0
ctf15 waiting 0
ctf16 waiting 0
ctf17 Websocket - 0 protection running
Time remaining : 00:52:48
kxmel, sharp, Victor, Axyn
ctf07 Docker - Sys-Admin’s Docker running
Time remaining : 01:04:45
ctf05 End Droid running
Time remaining : 02:37:41
MrAurel, L3zgongue
ctf03 SamBox v2 running
Time remaining : 03:15:43
98k0l, Hysox
ctf02 LAMP security CTF5 running
Time remaining : 01:13:27

CTF Results CTF Results

Pseudo Virtual Environnement Attackers count Time start Environnement compromised in
- Awky 1 4 March 2019 at 11:41 -
- Hopital Bozobe 0 4 March 2019 at 10:10 -
- /dev/random : Pipe 1 4 March 2019 at 09:51 -
- Metasploitable 1 4 March 2019 at 11:32 -
- Metasploitable 2 2 4 March 2019 at 09:07 -