Sixth edition of the France Cyber Security Challenge (FCSC)

Thursday 4 April 2024

Once again, the ANSSI (French National Agency for Information Systems Security) is organising the France Cybersecurity Challenge (FCSC): the competition starts on Friday 5 April at 2pm and runs until Sunday 14 April at 10pm.

The FCSC is an opportunity for all players to test their skills in a wide variety of events, and perhaps join the national team that will represent France at the 2024 edition of the European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC) in Turin, Italy (7-11 October 2024).

To select the 14 members of Team France (10 permanent members, 2 junior replacements and 2 senior replacements), the ANSSI coaches, challenges designers and experts will be holding individual interviews with:

  • the junior and senior top 5,
  • the top 3 juniors and seniors in the qualifying categories: crypto, web, pwn, reverse, hardware.

To try your luck and keep up to date with the latest information, join the FCSC Discord server now: and register on the competition platform: